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Return to Mateguas Island. I loved it!

Source: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2OFZJXP6HWFU8/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00PQZH8Y0

Mercy Carver: The Journey

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Mercy Carver’s life was fraught with danger from the moment she came into the world. She beat the odds, taking her first breath, just as her mother gasped with her last. When people were dying of sickness and plague, in the squalid, poverty ridden pit of 1840’s South East London, she beat the odds again, and flourished.

Mercy’s adventures began with a simple ambition to cross a London bridge, and ended in a country torn apart by a Civil War. Would she have walked over the Thames River had she an inkling of where that path would lead her? Probably.

Mercy Carver is an unstoppable force of nature and her journey left me exhausted. How can one person survive so many calamities yet, through her own impulsiveness, take such precarious roads, over and over again?

Mercy’s biography is not only about survival, suffering, war, danger, or romance, it is a kaleidoscope of colourful adventures experienced by a woman, who manages to shape the lives of all those she meets, loves, and hates along the way.

I have been asked if there will be a third book in the Mercy Carver Series. The answer to that question, dear readers is, no…I simply can’t keep up with her, anymore.

The Mercy Carver Series is available on Amazon, Worldwide.

"Writing a novel is a courageous act but only when each word written is honest, devoid of shame, and fear."

Hi everyone

"If I were a bit more switched on to all this computer mumbo jumbo, I would have much more time to write the books I'm trying to promote!"